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VOLUME 1 , ISSUE 2 ( July-December, 2024 ) > List of Articles


Management of Mandibular First Molar with Middle Distal Canal: An Important Morphological and Clinical Aspect— A Case Report

Mohit Zarekar, Apurva S Satpute, Mohini S Zarekar, Gaurav Bhavar, Bharti Helge

Keywords : Case report, Cone-beam computed tomography, Mandibular first molar, Middle distal canal, Root canal therapy

Citation Information : Zarekar M, Satpute AS, Zarekar MS, Bhavar G, Helge B. Management of Mandibular First Molar with Middle Distal Canal: An Important Morphological and Clinical Aspect— A Case Report. J Dent bio allied Health Sci 2024; 1 (2):56-59.

DOI: 10.5005/jdbahs-11017-0011

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 20-12-2024

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2024; The Author(s).


To perform a successful root canal treatment, one must acquire sufficient access to all root canals, ensure proper mechanical preparation and disinfection, and place a three-dimensional hermetic filling. Practitioners must exercise caution while identifying the root canals in the mandibular first molar teeth, as they exhibit a diverse range of root canal variants. Additionally, being the first permanent tooth to emerge in the mouth, it often needs endodontic treatment. This case report describes the endodontic treatment of a permanent mandibular first molar with two roots, with two mesial canals and three distal canals that merge into a single apical canal (Sert and Bayirli type XVIII). By employing magnification, such as through the use of microscopes or loupes, the likelihood of identifying supplementary canals is improving. Cone-beam computed tomography can assist in the diagnosis of root canal morphology by enabling the accurate detection, search, and decontamination of the root canal system. Managing additional canals can present difficulties, but it is essential to accurately identify and manage these canals in order to prevent postoperative complications.

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