Citation Information :
Sajeevan D, Kamath D, Manappurath BS, Nair CS, Jalal B. Cryotherapy in Endodontics. J Dent bio allied Health Sci 2024; 1 (2):53-55.
Since the most common reason a patient seeks endodontic therapy is because of intolerable pain, pain management becomes essential during endodontic treatment. In dentistry and medicine, cryotherapy is frequently used as a curative procedure that is thought to be beneficial in lowering inflammation, pain, bleeding, and edema. The idea behind cryotherapy is to transfer heat from the target tissue which is at a higher temperature to the target tissue, which is at a lower temperature. Furthermore, cryogenic treatment is essential for strengthening rotary endodontic files because it provides better cyclic fatigue resistance, which lowers the risk of file separation. Furthermore, it significantly enhances the superelastic Ni–Ti endodontic file-cutting efficiency. More recently, cryotherapy has been demonstrated to be used in conjunction with bioceramic materials.
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